Sunday, February 8, 2009

What to do, what to do...

I just can't figure out this whole feeding/sleeping routine. Morgan used to sleep 4-5 hours, then eat for 15-20 minutes, then sleep for 2-3 hours. How she's up every 2 hours at night and I'm exhausted. I'm trying to get her back into some sort of daytime routine, but it's hard. She hardly cried when I'd feed her whenever the mood struck her, but now that I'm trying to get her to space out her feedings, she's crying more and I feel so bad. She's 12 weeks old today and I'd like to start some "sleep training" soon, but I don't know when or how to do it. There are so many methods and I have no idea which one will work. *Sigh*


  1. could she be going thru a growth spurt? Tori did that a little over a week ago and it KILLED ME!!!! But it was just a growth spurt. Last for about 5 days and then she was fine and dandy again. How long has then been going on?

  2. Yep.. sounds like a growth spurt, just know that they can last a while though.. Keri had a major one at about 4 months or so.. just about killed me..! (By far, that was the worst growth spurt.. EVER)

    Hang in there.. Just remember she is growing.. and it hurts to grow (literally.. "growing pains" - it hurts!) - things will get better, give it time.

  3. It has been a few days now. She had hit 15 lbs., so maybe it is a growth spurt. Let's hope she finishes her "spurt" soon!

  4. My daughter is a year old now (as of Sunday) and I too remember when she went through the growth was tough. It seemed like she was constantly attached to me feeding and although it is really hard while it's happening it does get better. Keep looking for that light at the end of the tunnel. Also, this time goes by SO quickly, I can remember when she was a newborn like it was yesterday and here she is a year old!
