Monday, March 9, 2009

What to do, what to do...

*Sigh* I still don't know what to do about Morgan's eczema and acid reflux. I just don't know if it's something in my breastmilk or what...I keep debating whether I should do a formula trial. I could try regular formula and see if she has an allergy that's not dairy (eggs, wheat, etc.) and if that doesn't work, I can try the hypoallergenic formula and see if it's a dairy allergy, after all. I will continue to pump on my normal schedule and freeze the milk to maintain my supply, should we need to switch back to breastmilk. Honestly, I'm hoping the formula doesn't help, since I'd rather she get the benefits of breastmilk. I do, desperately, want to find a way to relieve all that ails her, though. My poor baby!

Her eczema flairs up out of nowhere. She was taking a nap and woke up like this:

(She was asleep in the crib and this picture was taken after I had moved her to the car seat. I had put vaseline on her face, so that's why it's shiny...)

I put the steroid gel on the side of her head. Here she is later in the day, looking a little better:

...and another picture even later in the day...
So, it does get better, but I can't figure out what makes it flare up, aside from heat.
On top of the eczema and reflux, I think she may be teething. :( She drools rivers and chews on her fingers and rubs her bottom gums. I see two white patches, but they've been there since she was about a month old. She is just so sad and uncomfortable sometimes, but she still spends a good amount of the day smiling and "talking", for which I'm very thankful.

1 comment:

  1. awww, your poor little girl! That video of her talking is adorable! I hope you can figure out what is causing her skin to flare up. It's so hard when you just don't know what to do and all you want is to make your child feel better.
